Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Nesting Continues...

Well, nesting is in full swing around here. I've been cleaning, organizing, and re-arranging like crazy. Yesterday, it was the laundry room, and cleaning out under my bed. (Like a new baby is going to care about that...). Today, it is the basement and the girls room. I've come to realize that I'm not making the best use of the space & furniture I have available.

Instead of cleaning and organizing, I know I should be cooking and putting things back. Problem is, I have a full freezer. There is no place to put anything!!! I know that with just a little planning and some creativity, we will be fine when the baby comes. The hardest part will be keeping us in fresh produce and milk, but Braum's is just down the street.

Saw my doctor yesterday for my weekly checkup. I'm at 2cm, but the baby is still high. This means nothing, because with my last two, I walked around at a three for the last three weeks. I did wake up last night with some labor. Sleeping is becoming more and more difficult, but it just goes with the territory.

I'm looking forward to my mom being here. I think she needs it as much as I do. It's always a blessing to have her here. She is such a hard worker and a big help to have around. I'm hoping the timing works out that we can have a little fun while she's here as well. I'd like to take her to my favorite "junque haunts". I've heard that my soon-to-be sister-in-law is a fellow thrifter, and I'm looking forward to being able to treasure hunt with both of them.

Well, I'm off to move some furniture.


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