Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's been a while...

It's been too long actually.

You can see the reason I haven't blogged lately. He finally arrived safe and sound on September 3rd. Via emergency c-section. Long recovery, but I can say we're both doing fine. Baby boy Luke is a wonderful addition to our family. Looks just like big brother. Adored by his three sisters. He's almost doubled his birth weight, and for a nursing mom, that is a sweet accomplishment. It mostly means that I've been nursing a lot. The weeks are just rushing by though and we're trying to enjoy every minute. We're very thankful that God blessed us with this precious life.

Take care,

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tom Petty, the Great Philosopher...

Stupid title, I know, but I can honestly say "the waiting is the hardest part".

September 1st, and still no baby. I'm officially four days overdue, which isn't really a big deal. The worst part about it is being physically uncomfortable, sweaty, swollen, and tired. My mom was here for a week and a half, on vacation from work, just waiting for the baby to arrive. After #4 was born a week early, we just knew that this one would be early as well. Guess each one is different. Mom went home yesterday, and I was sure that would jump start my labor. Looks like we'll have a September birthday in the family though.

I'm about ready to go into seclusion. We're getting about 4 phone calls a day from people wanting to know if we have a baby yet. The look of shock on people's faces when they see me still pregnant is enough to make me think that I must look really huge. I've gained just a little over 20 pounds with this one, so that means it's the smallest weight gain of any of my pregnancies. A woman at the hospital last week asked me if I was having twins. Remind me to add that question to the list of things to never ask a woman. (The top of the list: When is your baby due?)

Got a beautiful baby gift yesterday. Will post pictures tomorrow.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Nesting Continues...

Well, nesting is in full swing around here. I've been cleaning, organizing, and re-arranging like crazy. Yesterday, it was the laundry room, and cleaning out under my bed. (Like a new baby is going to care about that...). Today, it is the basement and the girls room. I've come to realize that I'm not making the best use of the space & furniture I have available.

Instead of cleaning and organizing, I know I should be cooking and putting things back. Problem is, I have a full freezer. There is no place to put anything!!! I know that with just a little planning and some creativity, we will be fine when the baby comes. The hardest part will be keeping us in fresh produce and milk, but Braum's is just down the street.

Saw my doctor yesterday for my weekly checkup. I'm at 2cm, but the baby is still high. This means nothing, because with my last two, I walked around at a three for the last three weeks. I did wake up last night with some labor. Sleeping is becoming more and more difficult, but it just goes with the territory.

I'm looking forward to my mom being here. I think she needs it as much as I do. It's always a blessing to have her here. She is such a hard worker and a big help to have around. I'm hoping the timing works out that we can have a little fun while she's here as well. I'd like to take her to my favorite "junque haunts". I've heard that my soon-to-be sister-in-law is a fellow thrifter, and I'm looking forward to being able to treasure hunt with both of them.

Well, I'm off to move some furniture.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Countdown

I've always loved back-to-school time. There is something so exciting about purchasing new supplies and starting a fresh school year. I've been gathering things for the kids, and our return to homeschool coop. I will be spending my mornings in the nursery, so I've also been working on activities and gathering & making things for the toddlers to play with. It has been fun. Yesterday I sewed several small "apple" beanbags. They turned out really cute and we'll use them on our first day "Apple Day".

We're also counting down the days till baby #5 arrives at our house. I've been nesting like crazy, and trying to get all of the baby stuff carried in and readied. I've been washing diapers and baby blankets, and have the bassinet set up in my bedroom. Can't wait to see a sleeping baby in it. Since we don't know whether it is a boy or girl, I've purchased two "bring home from the hospital" outfits, and will just return the one we don't need. They are both adorable. We're still working on a girls name. If it is a boy, it will get the name we were planning to use when our three girls were born.

I'm hoping that the baby can be delivered by my regular doctor. This means it would have to be born sometime between midnight Sunday and 5pm Friday. I'm also hoping it doesn't happen during something else... football practice, cheer practice, coop, Sunday school, Church. I'd like to be peacefully at home if possible - I'd settle for just being at home - I have a feeling once the kids know "it's time", nothing will be peaceful about it!


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Excuses, Excuses...

This is a recent picture of my feet. This was actually taken on the trip home from Iowa. Most days, my feet look like this...

Last week, while my children were at Grandma's house, I worked on a couple of projects. This is some art we did for my daughter's room. There are actually three canvases, each with a different design. I think this one might be my favorite...

Finally, this project was the big one. I had this dresser from way back. (I think it was actually a family antique from a long time ago, but it had seen much better days.) After much deliberation, it was decided that we would just spray paint it and put it in our daughter's room. I am thrilled with the color choice (peacock blue), and it makes me happy just to walk in her room and see it. I would not recommend spray painting a large piece of furniture in the middle of July, while you're 8 months pregnant, but I'm glad it's finished. The two photo boxes on top of the dresser were purchased at Michael's this week, and they are going to go in her bookcase.

We are trying to prep old plaster walls for paint, a process that is taking much longer than we expected. Cheer camp and football practice are starting next week, so our evenings will be crazy for a while. Hopefully we can make some progress on the walls this weekend. It would be nice to have it done before the baby is born. Funny that I'm decorating an 11 year-old's room and not a nursery.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Happenings

This is hubby's first official Friday "off". They have implemented a new "flex-schedule" at work, and he is taking advantage of having every other Friday off. With as many honey-do's as we have at this old house, it will be nice to have three day weekends on a regular basis. He's off to pick up some supplies to finish running a new plug in for my new washer. He's got all three daughters with him, so I'm sure he'll come home with his legs talked off.

#1 is gone to see the Dark Knight with a friend. This leaves me entirely home alone. Spent a few minutes checking the blogs I read, and now I'm off to sort the massive pile of laundry that is taking over my bathroom. Hopefully in an hour or two, I'll be washing enormous loads of laundry in my new washer. Did I mention that I have a new washer?!

Have a great day,

Monday, July 14, 2008

You know it's been too long...

Since your last post, when every time you decide to "blog", you have to recover your password...

I had great hopes to keep this up, but things have been very busy.

We went on vacation to Iowa. I know, most of you are thinking that's a strange place to vacation, especially when you don't really know anyone there, but we had a great time at family camp. The kids loved our family staff helper, and were so sad to leave. (Thanks Elisabeth - if you read this.) The strangest thing happened while we were gone. Being 8 months pregnant, I swelled terribly while we were away from home. Once we got back, my ankles returned to normal. I'm thinking it's because we didn't drink tea while we were gone.

We are getting ready to start back to school. I've been working on our schedules, and dropping off business at the copy center. Hopefully before this week is over, we'll have a few early days done. The kids are going to Grandma's next week so mom can nest a little. When they get home, we'll jump back into things so we can get a couple more weeks done before Cinco gets here.

I've been nesting a lot lately. Cleaning out drawers, shelves, cabinets, etc. I love seeing the progress I've made. We've taken about 7 sacks of stuff to Goodwill, and I've got a couple of rooms left to go. Today, I've been painting furniture. (Probably not the best thing to do since it's spray paint...) Been taking lots of breaks though. The worst part is - the paint is peacock blue, and with the overspray, I'm beginning to look like Mama Smurf. The paint is a great color. Will post pictures of the finished product.

Two great finds at Goodwill today. A small mahogany end table $3, and an oak card catalog for $10. It has twelve drawers and will work great in my sewing room. I love getting a great deal!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday's Happenings

I'm trying to stay in the habit of posting, so I thought I'd post some of the day's happenings...

We had a busy morning at home, just enjoying our time. Seems like we've had someplace to be every day this past week, and it's nice just to relax a little bit.

After lunch, we took #1 to work, and ran a few errands before heading home. Picked up a pair of flip-flops for a mom's party I'm going to on Saturday, then went to Walgreens. They had a huge bunch of grocery items on clearance, and I got some things for our trip to Iowa. After our $40 shopping trip (yikes), I filled up the van (YIKES). Well, I didn't fill it... the pumps cut off at $75, and to be really honest, I didn't even look to see where the gas gauge fell after starting the van.

When we got home, the girls played in the basement, and I did a little sewing. I used a couple of curtain panels that were given to me, and made a bag for groceries. All of our local stores are selling re-usable cloth grocery bags, and I thought with all of the fabric I have available, it would be great to use it on grocery bags. I'll post a picture soon. The girls all want one for themselves. Thought I might try to get a bag done for each of them to take on our vacation.

Well, I need to pick up #1 from work, and we have a busy evening. Kids are going to a homeschool social, and DH & the younger sibs & I are going to grab a bite to eat and run a couple of errands on the way home.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This Week's Greatest Deal (so far...)

Last night, #1 son had a half-hour guitar lesson, so our family loaded up and went to Target. We were planning on purchasing a rolling ice chest we had seen on a clearance rack the week before. There were approximately 8 coolers on the shelf when we had seen them the first time, so we weren't worried about them being gone.

Well, we rounded the corner of the aisle they were on before, and it was bare. Nothing. Nada. No $29.99 ice chests marked down to $20.00. My heart sank, and I couldn't help but be a little perturbed at DH and his quest for the best deal in town. I took a deep breath, and walked further down to where the regular ice chests were. DH was still searching, thinking maybe they had moved the summer clearance stuff further back. I spied (on the very top shelf) four rolling wheels, and a square ice chest on its backside. It looked a little out of place, as I'm sure I did, trying to reach it being 7 months pregnant. When I got a look at the sticker, I knew it was the ice chest we had seen the week before. Cynthia Rowley for Target Summer 60 qt. rolling Igloo Cooler (Originally $29.99 - or did I mention that before?) Well, we didn't see a clearance sticker on it, but took it to a price checker, and you won't believe what we saw.... $7.49!!!!!!!

I was in disbelief. I scanned it again to make sure it wasn't some mistake. We are the proud owners of a new ice chest. Total with tax: $8.12. If I wasn't so wiped out from all of the excitement, I would post a picture.


Monday, June 16, 2008

How long has it been?

I've been thinking about starting a new blog lately, but decided just to start blogging on this one instead. We'll see how it goes, and if I keep it up, maybe my reward will be a fancier new blog.

I've been reading several blogs, and some have links where you can share your menu or maybe a kitchen tip, and I've wanted to participate, so I may give that a try too! Boy wouldn't that be something, being able to add a link!? For someone as non-techno-savvy as me, it would be a real accomplishment.

To say our family has been busy lately would be an understatement. This summer, #1 turned 13, and started a volunteer job, and we've been busy with his schedule. We are expecting a new baby in our family ("Cinco"), in August, and mom's energy level is not what it used to be. It seems to be all I can do just to keep bread available, dinner on the table, and groceries in the house. We are trying to be more aware of our driving, so I consolidate most of my errands on the days #1 has to work. This means a couple of days a week I actually stay home. Today was one of those days. I've worked on my sewing room, trying to get some things organized, but it's hard to see any progress.

Today I baked four loaves of bread, breakfast bars for DH's lunch, and cleaned. Dinner tonight will probably be chicken spaghetti. It's rainy outside, and that sounds like a good dinner choice. I'll probably use Pioneer Woman's recipe and have an extra casserole for the freezer. That will be very handy when the baby comes.
