Monday, June 16, 2008

How long has it been?

I've been thinking about starting a new blog lately, but decided just to start blogging on this one instead. We'll see how it goes, and if I keep it up, maybe my reward will be a fancier new blog.

I've been reading several blogs, and some have links where you can share your menu or maybe a kitchen tip, and I've wanted to participate, so I may give that a try too! Boy wouldn't that be something, being able to add a link!? For someone as non-techno-savvy as me, it would be a real accomplishment.

To say our family has been busy lately would be an understatement. This summer, #1 turned 13, and started a volunteer job, and we've been busy with his schedule. We are expecting a new baby in our family ("Cinco"), in August, and mom's energy level is not what it used to be. It seems to be all I can do just to keep bread available, dinner on the table, and groceries in the house. We are trying to be more aware of our driving, so I consolidate most of my errands on the days #1 has to work. This means a couple of days a week I actually stay home. Today was one of those days. I've worked on my sewing room, trying to get some things organized, but it's hard to see any progress.

Today I baked four loaves of bread, breakfast bars for DH's lunch, and cleaned. Dinner tonight will probably be chicken spaghetti. It's rainy outside, and that sounds like a good dinner choice. I'll probably use Pioneer Woman's recipe and have an extra casserole for the freezer. That will be very handy when the baby comes.


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