Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Happenings

This is hubby's first official Friday "off". They have implemented a new "flex-schedule" at work, and he is taking advantage of having every other Friday off. With as many honey-do's as we have at this old house, it will be nice to have three day weekends on a regular basis. He's off to pick up some supplies to finish running a new plug in for my new washer. He's got all three daughters with him, so I'm sure he'll come home with his legs talked off.

#1 is gone to see the Dark Knight with a friend. This leaves me entirely home alone. Spent a few minutes checking the blogs I read, and now I'm off to sort the massive pile of laundry that is taking over my bathroom. Hopefully in an hour or two, I'll be washing enormous loads of laundry in my new washer. Did I mention that I have a new washer?!

Have a great day,

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