Monday, June 4, 2007

Monday's Happenings

It's been a pretty busy day here at our house. The two oldest girls went to Vacation Bible School at a local church, while the oldest and youngest children helped me run errands. I have managed to check the following things off of my to-do list today...

1) purchased invitations for birthday party
2) purchased okra seeds - I know it's late, we haven't given up on our garden!
3) picked up mailing envelopes at office supply store
4) packaged and dropped off books that I sold at the post office
5) dropped off comforter & down blanket at cleaners
6) washed and hung out sheets
7) cleaned out fridge
8) ordered Financial Peace University materials for next year's homeschool coop.
9) worked in the yard
10) started dinner (marinating some meat to grill)
11) wrote out invitations for birthday party
12) got gum out of 3yod's hair - had to cut a few curls out!
13) posted on my blog

Whew, it's been a busy day!

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