Thursday, June 14, 2007

Upcoming Bread Tutorial

I've been pretty busy at home lately, but in July (after our vacation), I plan on posting a step-by-step breadbaking tutorial. My aunt wanted my bread recipe at a family reunion over the weekend, and I thought it would be a fun way to show her how to do it. This is the aunt that when I told her I had a blog, she said "I'm sorry, I think maybe a laxative would take care of that."

Baking bread causes me to slow down and prioritize. I really enjoy turning out a finished product. With housework and child-rearing, there are many days that your work seems fruitless. Dishes just get dirty again, floors don't stay clean for more than a few minutes, and there are always meals to fix, laundry to wash, and someone around my house is always hungry. When I bake, there's something to show for my efforts. Plus, the real payoff is in knowing that my family is eating healthy fresh 100% whole wheat bread - and it tastes great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.